
Showing posts from May, 2020

Loving From A Deeper Place

Not The Same

Dear readers, Hello! Today I would like to discuss a topic that is not often least never enough. Let me start it with a question: those of you who have multiply children with different age do you treat each of your children? Do you discipline and teach them the same way? let me give you some intel into the minds of children ; Now, I know I'm not a professional psychologist with a degree but I don't need a degree to be able to make observations. From my observations and research I have conducted, I have been able to notice that kids of different age groups tend to learn differently and have different reactions to certain disciplines. I always use the school analogy: in a classroom you have different age groups because they have different grade levels. This is because psychologically children's minds are different at different ages. A baby hasn't developed as much as the toddler has and the toddler hasn't developed as much as the adul...

Back To It

Hello everybody, we are back with another post...and today we will be talking about the current event happening all across the world. What's going to happen when we come out of this season? Will we learn our lesson and change the things that need to be changed? Or do we need to stay put for a little while longer? Let's take an example: when you discipline your child, do you expect them to end it behaving the same way? My guess would be that you are hoping their negative behavior will be changed and that they learned a lesson. That's what this time is for...we are learning the things that are truly important and what maybe isn't as important. How's your social life been? If it's been anything like mine, it's gone down from what it used to be. What about your family? How has your family been? Spending more time together? My guess is that this isn't a coincidence. Listen, I know this season isn't going to last forever and we are going to eventually ...

Lead To Insanity

Dear readers, Parents have a unique ability as the leaders of the house to follow by the example that we set for our kids but sometimes we get power trips that make us feel like since we are above then we don't have to follow the rules but the point is they should. Following the rules and showing by example how children should act will help them do the same.