Don't Just Give Up

Have you ever heard anyone tell you "you can't just give up, you have to keep trying!" More than likely if someone has said this to you, it means you're a quitter. There is one thing that requires absolutely all of your power and strength to keep going, that is your marriage (or any other relationship). A marriage is a very important special thing but it is hard and it takes knowing and applying the secret ingredient to make it actually work. You may be thinking, what is the secret ingredient? Let me guess, you have to change yourself? You have to be perfect?" No, actually it's more simple than that! The one single most important secret ingredient that makes a marriage work is...wait for it... The secret ingredient is PERSEVERENCE ! So many are ready to just give up the fight because they don't think they can fight anymore. Exercise: Do this with your partner or family member/friend find a really large difficult puzzle and try to figure out how...