
Showing posts from January, 2019

For Granted

Why is it that we always miss our loved ones when they are gone? While they are here we take them for granted and act as though we have them forever. We don’t appreciate their times; only thinking of the difficulties and not the special memories. My brother is away at Jericho Road Ministries and we still have a few months away. Christmas and my birthday wasn’t the same...I only hope to soon see him again :)
Don't let the good things in your life here or the bad things in your life here keep you from coming home to God. One day we will rise up and go to Heaven forever. We can be 100% sure of this because we believe and have faith. Believing in Jesus and taking the risk to believe that we will one day go to Heaven and we might end up fighting out it's not true is far greater than not believing it and finding out in the end it was all true. Many believe when we die it's the end. They think their pain will stop since it's death and you no longer exist but the truth is pain still goes on...unless you turn and be with Jesus and God in Heaven.


In Once Upon a time the characters were put in a curse that made them live a different life. Sometimes that life was good. When they would wake up they’d remember who they really are. They’d be faced with a choice, go back to living that same life or give up all those things to become who they were really meant to be. With a heavy heart they’d finally decide to become their true selves again. That is the life of a Christian. We’ve become cursed in a world where we live a different life but we should wake up and not forget who we are truly supposed to be.  We’re in a cursed and different world but not forever, we’re fighting to get back home.

Christmas Special

This is late...I know but here it is! Our Christmas Special Presentation Avail (SPA)

Not What It Seems

I have to give credit to Alexa from Amazon for this story but it really gets the point across: The Squirrel And The Acorn Once there lived a squirrel in a forest. He found an acorn that he loved very much. He kissed the acorn good night and tucked it safely under a leaf. That night a terrible storm came through and blew the acorn. The next day, the squirrel went to get his acorn and saw it wasn't there. He was very sad and stayed in a cave for a very long time. After a while, the squirrel got over his heartache and decided to come out. He stood under a tree and noticed lots of acorns on the ground, but these acorns could never replace his was special. He climbed up the tree and noticed a familiar scent and an auburn brown look that seemed familiar. He came to realize that his acorn had grown up into a big tree that he had scurried onto. He stayed in that tree and lived happily for the rest of his life. Here's the point That squirrel realized that the tree was his...


One thing I have really been learning a lot recently is that it is never too late for God to work in situations. When we give up or think something is over, God shows that there is still hope. No matter what, hope always exists. I have an encouraging word for who ever is struggling right now: You may think all is lost and what is broken can never be fixed. But with God everything is possible and "too late" doesn't exist for Him. Hope always reigns over failure and will continue to beat out evil and darkness. Our enemy is trying hard to defeat us but with God he will never win. Hope, love, God...always prevails!

New Years resolutions

Hello readers and followers of the FFW blog family! We are so excited for 2019 and it's already here! What have you decided to resolute this year? I've decided I'm going to turn a page of my story and let God be the star! Keep your hearts open and your family close