
Showing posts from December, 2019

100% Or Nothing

People think relationships, marriages, are 50/50 but the truth is they are 100/100. You have to put it all in or completely walk away. You can't just give half, it may work for a while but it will eventually fail. You can't be half in half out. Last night I was watching Once Upon A Time and in this Netflix series Emma and Captain Hook (Killian Jones) have a beautiful relationship. They fight, they make up, but what ever they go through they always end up back together. Their relationship is a pedestal for what relationships should be like. Filled with forgiveness, trust, hope, and most of I hope someday I can find my CaptainSwan love as well. this is what I want to teach you guys: Never settle for less. If someone is not putting in as much effort as you are putting in for them, no matter what you tell yourself it is not good to continue. When it is time to let go, do not convince yourself that your situation is special and that you can make it happen. It is up to b...