This is a special post for you guys! Please read this whole story with an open heart and clear mind to take in the lesson that this story tells. It is a fiction story about a couple who sticks together even when the world is trying to pull them apart. Imagine a rope. Your on one end, your (friend, boyfriend, family ETC...) is on the other end and you two are pulling it. Your trying to hold on to your ends but someone is in the middle trying to take the ends from both of you. If you focus on your partner and forget the middle voice then you will victor, but if you begin to listen to the middle voice then you might end up falling into the mud puddle. Just something to think about as you read this story... Have you ever faced an exit, a way out, but for some reason you didn't want to take it? You thought you wanted out but now that your able to, you don't? ...